For Showers & Parties

When listing the names of the bride and groom, always list the bride first.

Hosts of the event must be listed in alphabetical order.

Registry information is only listed at the bottom of the invite in small print or included on an additional card.

Always spell out the city and state. Do not abbreviate. Same rule applies to return address printing.

Mail shower and party invitations 2-3 weeks before the event. This allows enough time for guests to prepare.

Zip Code
Don’t put the zip code in the address on the invitation. It isn’t necessary and clutters the invite.

Return Address
Only include the street address, city, state and zip code. A name or title shouldn’t be added here.

For Weddings

Zip Code
Don’t put the zip code in the address on the invitation. It isn’t necessary and clutters the invite.

Host Line
Include the hosts’ full name. This includes the parents of the bride or groom.

The old rule for this is “The honour of your presence” is used if the wedding is in a house of worship, and “The pleasure of your company” is used in any other venue. This rule doesn’t apply anymore. Pick what you want because no one follows this rule nor knows what the difference is.

Send invitations 6-8 weeks before the wedding day. Eight weeks if the save the date has not been sent out OR it is a destination wedding.

Include a reply card in your wedding invitation. Using a website to rsvp if you HAVE TO due to budget is fine but not something to strive for just to save a couple of bucks.

Do not include the registry information on the wedding invite. This is very rude. You are not asking your guest for a present, you are asking them to come to your wedding. They know to bring a present. Don’t get greedy.

Make sure to put a stamp on your rsvp envelope or postcard. You have to make it easier for them to send this back to you or they won’t. People who stamp them already have problems with lazy or forgetful relatives.

Hand addressing is the old fashion way of sending invites. Calligraphy and pretty hand-writing are BEAUTIFUL – more than printing. It is also more costly. If you have bad hand-writing, get your addresses printed. It is not improper etiquette for these modern times. The newest trend is using wrap-around labels. It allows you to get your design on your envelope and allows you to use dark envelopes.